Our journey began when Dr. Charudatta Apte, one of the most renowned neurosurgeons in the country and his associates founded Pune Neurosciences Trust and Research Society in 1993. Driven by a noble dream of bridging the gap between essential healthcare and the needy, the team formed 'Samavedana' on April 1, 2003. The primary goal was to extend a helping hand to patients family and get society involvement in reducing their financial burden for the treatment.
Samavedana derives its name from two Sanskrit words, 'Samam' and 'Vedana'.
'Samam' means together and 'Vedana' means suffering or pain. We believe if we can feel someone's suffering, we can better share their pain and can be their companion in the walk of life. Samavedana means to totally empathize with someone and to share his pain as if it were our own and act towards easing it.
Samavedana has developed a number of initiatives over the years to provide essential healthcare. Starting from Neurology & Neurosurgery to almost all medical specialities, Samavedana has brought a life saving difference in thousands of patients so far.
July 1993
of the trust
April 2003
of Samavedana
Sept 2007
Check-Up Camps
Dec 2009
Screening Programs
started conducting cancer screenings and awareness camps to women from lower economic strata on preventive measures and benefits of early detections. Women in the age group of 40 to 60 years from urban slums were the primary beneficiaries
of this program.
April 2010
of Cancer
Screening Programs
Feb 2011
Skin and Organ
Donation Awareness
ever Skin Bank was established through an initiative from The Rotary Club of Khadki and Sahyadri Hospital. Samavedana took responsibility for creating awareness and started promotion program for the Skin and Organ Donation.
March 2014
Impact Analysis
10 years of its service. NMIMS, Mumbai conducted a study to analyse the impact Samavedana has made on the lives of its
beneficiaries.The results came out very encouraging and motivating.
May 2015
of Vision & Mission
Feb 2016
of Community Clinic
Community Clinic aims to provide primary healthcare to communities and be a platform to transform the healthcare scenario in slum community.The first of such Clinic was established in Upper Indira Nagar, Pune.
April 2017
of Mobile Clinic
June 2017
Health Programmes
Nov 2018
of ‘Little Hearts’
May 2022
of ‘School Health Programme’
Vision and Mission
Samavedana is driven by compassion and a noble vision of bringing healthcare within the reach of the underprivileged.
Samavedana envisages to bring essential healthcare within reach of the underprivileged, with compassion (Samavedana).
By partnering with like-minded organizations, we develop innovative and replicable healthcare models that help many lives in the country.
Our Mission till 2025 is:
Focusing on Treatment, Prevention & Awareness and by developing Innovative, Replicable and Scalable Healthcare models, Samavedana’s mission for the next decade is,
- To provide monetary aid to the needy for tertiary care, in association with doctors offering pro bono treatment & hospitals offering non-profit services
- To conduct specialized in-house and out-reach programs for prevention & early detection of cancer in women from rural and slum areas
- To establish ‘Community Clinics’ to make basic healthcare available & accessible and enhance coverage of health services at a reduced cost by using telemedicine, generic drugs, etc..
- To spread health education and awareness in the community, especially amongst women, through counseling, health-talks, check-up camps, demonstrations & presentations